All newly elected Reps should attend their induction training within12 months of being elected. You are entitled to time off with paid release from your employer to attend. Please make sure you have permission before applying.

Please click here to access the full Unite East Midlands Education Programme.

Please click here to access online registration for our courses.
All Unite Courses run from Monday to Friday, commencing at 09.30 and conclude each day around 16.30.

We are now offering courses at Unite offices. During Covid we have been delivering courses online in virtual classrooms which has proven to be an effective option for many of our Reps. We are continuing to offer these as an alternative. All courses may be subject to being transferred to another venue or online.

The Workplace Reps, Health & Safety Reps, Union Learning Reps and Bargaining and the Law Courses are of 10 days duration split into two separate weeks consisting of: A&B courses for Workplace Reps, Health & Safety Reps and ULRs and Part 1 and Part 2 for Bargaining and the Law Courses.

If you are booked onto an A course you will automatically be booked on to the corresponding B course or in the case of the Bargaining and the Law courses Part 1 and corresponding Part 2.

For those having completed their 1A and 1B courses we highly recommend the 5 day Equality Course and the 5 day Mental Health Awareness Course. Those that have not attended these two courses are encouraged to do so now as they are for all reps and give you the tools to support our members during these challenging times.

Our courses are run by experienced tutors in a supportive learning environment where members share their own experiences and knowledge, and learn from each other. They are all fully accredited and you will be expected to complete the course work with support from your tutor and other Reps.

Please do not book specific dates/arrange your paid release until you have received confirmation of your course place. To apply for your place please either click here to register online or email with your name, membership number, course title, venue and date to the EM Education Team at You will then receive confirmation of your booking and instructions to enroll online with the College. It is vital that you complete the enrolment process at least 3 weeks before the course is due to commence for all courses.

For the online courses you will need to access the course individually on a PC or laptop, with a camera, a tablet can be used (if you are able to download, amend and upload documents) and you will need good internet connection.

Please note that it is not possible to share computers and many employers have firewalls preventing access to Google therefore you will need to attend from home.

Please ensure that you have secured your paid release from your employer to attend. Any problems with time off please contact your Regional Officer.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you do for our members and if you have any questions or queries regarding East Midlands education courses please email your query to or telephone 0116 253 2020

We also run bespoke and bite size courses upon request. Please contact your Regional Officer or myself for further details.


Lesley Hoo

Regional Education Officer

UNITE East and West Midlands